Sparshmoksha Diksha

080_SwamiThe Sparsh Moksha Diksha is an initiation, which is designed to bestow and treat the divine blessing to practitioner/disciple. One will be given a mantra, a new name by the master.

Sparshmoksha Diksha is a unique process of making the life of a disciple pure, enlightened and more successful.

It is a method adopted by a master to free the disciple of his mental, psychological and physical drawbacks so that he/she could make ultimate progress with a free of negative mind thoughts in the spheres of spiritualism and materialism. It is also the foundation of a disciple, fuel of the spiritual life, completeness of the mind, basis of the fusion with Supreme life source and the path to reach one’s destination.

It is a subtle transfer of the divine energy of a master into the heart, soul and body of a disciple which comes from the master-disciple succession. This pure energy initiates a process of change in the person which ultimately leads to the destruction of all evil and negative tendencies and a spurt of creative and positive powers which encourage him to strive for the highest and best in both the spiritual and material fields.

The power transferred by the master also acts in another manner when it nullifies the evil effects of his past karmas, bad stars, or misfortune that are causing him or her trouble. And once this happens then not only is the problem easily solved rather one makes swift progress in life. The disciple can also conquer his material obstacles through his divine powers and in this way can attain fulfillment in his life.

The master knows well which point has to be pressed in which way so as to help the disciple gain what he wishes to. This process is actually nothing but the master’s method of transmitting His divine energy. The procedure of transferring the spiritual power is termed of various types, through the master’s sight, touch, or word.

Sacchidanandaprem Acharya Swamin comes from the eternal lineage of Masters in Advaita master-disciple successions. He received diksha by Sripad Gaudapada Acharya, in the Himalayas.

And if the Master suggests diksha it means that he wishes to prepare disciples for some eventuality of transcending the entire life. So never hesitate to take the diksha even though at present you might not feel it to be necessary.